Saturday, August 16, 2008

I Figured It Out

Today Brad asked me what exactly is a "MONSTER TRUCK!"?

I believe in the "MONSTER TRUCK!" as an attitude, not an oversized vehicle for wrecking, aka a "monster truck". A "monster truck" might wreck, but many things can mess one up or otherwise destroy it. On the other hand, nothing messes a "MONSTER TRUCK!" attitude up. No, nothing can mess up a "MONSTER TRUCK!" attitude.

The below image is an example of the work of a "MONSTER TRUCK!" attitude. Yes, its a monster car in a front yard in Eastern Colorado; but I urge you to take a closer look to the nature of this work.

Again, I stress that "MONSTER TRUCK!" is an attitude, an ideal, a lifestyle. The car pictured will of course throughout time be wrecked, but through the "MONSTER TRUCK!" attitude, the work lives on.

Funderstorm's First Full-Length Album Coming Soon.