Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 5th!

The first of many magical days began with us waking up on a "for sale" Venice beachhouse patio. A man on the boardwalk nervously replied "Happy 5th" to another's "good morning". We dunked ourselves in the Pacific and rolled out through LA with Nicole... Quick, sad goodbye...we rolled through the industrial stench of the Alameda area and made it to meet Drew who had prepared the route to Riverside from VB. I made it in rough shape, BRad was in great shape and went to the awesome Cicledelics Mustache Ride. I crashed out and awoke to many many Funderstorm LA fans... All I have to say about our fans is that if I saw them at our show, I'd be their fans! I love all of you and you are unparalled anywhere! Finish the ridiculously good show (below), inhale pad Thai, sad quick goodbye #2, and crash at Jasons! Thank you sir! Happy 5th!